What Sets Education at MBCA Apart?
At MBCA, academic achievement is multi-dimensional and encompasses more than just knowledge. The development of good personal habits and strong skills, including discipline, perseverance, and quality work, create a foundation for success.
Integral Formation® provides context for your child’s academic achievement, linking their intellectual development to the growth of their spirit and character. The entire academic and social culture of the school works to provide an environment in which students make connections between what they learn and the way they live, in light of a coherent Catholic-Christian worldview that’s enlightened by truth.

Four Dimensions of Integral Formation®
Spiritual Formation
Spiritual Formation aims to help students discover the purpose for which God has created them and leads them to develop a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Christ becomes the ideal and ultimate motive for all that they do. Through God’s grace and the student’s spiritual efforts, they deepen their spiritual formation and ready themselves to fulfill the mission for which they were created. The goal of spiritual formation is to help students foster an authentic spiritual life that they will carry with them throughout their lives.
Human Formation
Human Formation (or Character Formation) is the development of a virtuous and strong character and lies at the core of authentic leadership. By developing a strong character, students learn to master themselves so as to remain faithful to their personal convictions and grow in virtue, self-confidence and leadership skills.
Intellectual Formation
Mater Boni Consilii Academy sets high, yet attainable academic expectations for its students. Not only is solid intellectual formation an important part of the integral development of a person, it is essential to leadership. As a result of studies in the core academic subjects, as well as through the other academic and extra-curricular activities, students should acquire a wealth of knowledge in general culture and the particular disciplines; a firm grounding in math, the sciences, and in the scientific method; and a capacity for reflection and imagination.
Apostolic Formation
Apostolic Formation cultivates in the students the capacity to go into society to serve as Christian leaders and apostles, actively responding to the needs of the Church and humanity. By serving others through organized apostolic projects, students develop the heart of an apostle as they discover Christ, become more like Christ, and experience his love more profoundly. A vibrant apostolic life is the most evident result of the student’s integral formation and relationship with God.